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[已解決] 舊登記會員無法登入

發表於 17-5-2015 08:48:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
 樓主| 發表於 19-5-2015 21:20:36 | 顯示全部樓層
VR2ZDY 發表於 19-5-2015 20:50
tanga,不用說 Winghong 電郵地址了,昨天下午黎小姐已通知李先生,如果再有問題,請李先生在此留言。 ...

發表於 18-5-2015 11:55:24 | 顯示全部樓層
提示: 該帖被管理員或版主屏蔽
發表於 17-5-2015 09:08:27 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 tanga 於 17-5-2015 15:38 編輯

dear administrator,
a dozen of members, who have forgotten their passwords, have reported that the carsc login page failed to allow them to regenerate a new password.  While attempting to get their passwords reset:

1)the web page failed to generate/show the authentication random code.

2) while users were prompted to type in their passwords the second time (in order to verify their new password, the system kept reporting "password mismatch"

please debug the faults above.  Thx.
 樓主| 發表於 18-5-2015 07:35:04 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 18-5-2015 10:35:03 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 18-5-2015 11:27:51 | 顯示全部樓層
tanga 發表於 17-5-2015 09:08
dear administrator,
a dozen of members, who have forgotten their passwords, have reported that the  ...

Q1. the web page failed to generate/show the authentication random code.
A1: The authentication code display correctly as follow:


Q2: while users were prompted to type in their passwords the second time (in order to verify their new password, the system kept reporting "password mismatch"
A2: Password verification is working fine as well:


發表於 18-5-2015 11:28:56 | 顯示全部樓層
VR2ZDY 發表於 18-5-2015 10:35
ZOC,不是本會網頁,是不是登入不到討論區?如果要到討論區回覆,一定有帳號和密碼! ...

   Yes,  討論區.
   "一定有帳號和密碼"  ???    ??    You don't get it.    They had a 帳號和密碼, just that they've forgotten their password nowadays.

   For those who've forgotten their passwords, they said that the system did not allow them to  *reset*  their passwords.
發表於 18-5-2015 11:33:49 | 顯示全部樓層
tanga 發表於 17-5-2015 09:08
dear administrator,
a dozen of members, who have forgotten their passwords, have reported that the  ...

tanga,我用 Firefox 瀏覽器 38.01 註冊,沒有你的問題!
發表於 18-5-2015 11:41:10 | 顯示全部樓層
tanga 發表於 18-5-2015 11:28
   Yes,  討論區.
   "一定有帳號和密碼"  ???    ??    You don't get it.    They had a 帳號 ...

發表於 18-5-2015 11:43:49 | 顯示全部樓層
VR2ZDY 發表於 18-5-2015 11:33
tanga,我用 Firefox 瀏覽器 38.01 註冊,沒有你的問題!


   thx for helping.
   Actually, this is not my problem.   My own account is ok.  I can post & I remember my password.
   I'm asked  to post the problem  *on behalf of *  those who said they couldn't see the random code & couldn't verify their password.
   i.e.   I'm merely relaying  their problems to your attention.   
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